Alexios Chouchoulas wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Tim Shoppa wrote:
> > All the parts are still available. C&K makes the exact same
> > front panel switches to this day (they'll run you US$7 or so each,
> > which really adds up fast!), and 8080A's are still available from
> > places like Jameco. The date codes won't all be from 1975-76
> > when you're done, but who cares?
> Out of curiosity, are the schematics and/or assembly manual freely
> available anywhere on-line?
> --------------------------- ,o88,o888o,,o888o. -------------------------------
> Alexios Chouchoulas '88 ,88' ,88'
> The Unpronounceable One ,o88oooo88ooooo88oo,
I am very interested in building one. How do I find the address of C&K?
Enrico Tedeschi, 54, Easthill Drive, BRIGHTON BN41 2FD, U.K.
tel/fax +(0)1273 701650 (24 hours) or 0850 104725 mobile
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Received on Sun Jun 15 1997 - 11:49:13 BST