At 12:37 AM 6/17/97 +0000, you wrote:
>On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Andy Brobston wrote:
>> Was the Aquarius II compatible with the old Aquarius programs?
>> Can anyone give me a lead on an Aquarius II?
>Never heard of such a beast, and it would have been futile to attempt to
>market an Aquarius II when the first one didn't do so hot. Perhaps you
>are referring to the Radofin Aquarius? If not, I want to know what you
>do, and I want to know it NOW! ;)
Go to:
"Confident in their system, Radofin's president, Lawrence M. Scott, Jr.,
announced that they would continue to sell Aquarius through a new
distributor, and would release Aquarius II in March of 1984 and Aquarius
III in July. None of this happened. "
Received on Mon Jun 16 1997 - 20:34:37 BST