You do need the system disks in order to make copies of disks.
> From: Sam Ismail <>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Apple ][e software?
> Date: Wednesday, June 18, 1997 8:50 PM
> On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Cord Coslor wrote:
> > Greetings:
> >
> > I just picked up an Apple ][e, monitor, disk drives, the whole works...
> > even a mouse! But, I am wondering if someone out there might be able to
> > sell me a copy of the Disk Operating System disks and maybe one or two
> > (more?...) game disks?
> >
> > Please get in touch with me at the below address, e-mail, or phoen
> > if you might have something like that which I could use to get the
> > going.
> Cord, forget about the system disks. You don't actually need them. The
> Apple was the kind of computer where you could use it with or without
> disks, although having software made it more useful. Each disk for the
> apple is self-contained and has whatever DOS it needs to run it. Your
> main concern right now is to get software for it, whatever that may be -
> games, utilities, productivity, etc. Find the apple users group near you
> (if there is one) or go to where you will find a ton of
> information on how and where to obtain apple software. Its not hard to
> find, there were literally tens of thousands of titles published for the
> Apple ][. If you've never had an Apple before, you want to go out and
> start collecting ssome of the games released for it, as there are some
> fun titles. But as far as system disks, if you want to round out your
> collection, then I guess you would want an original copy just to say you
> have them, but every Apple I ever got was second-hand, and I already had
> software from the previous apple I was upgrading from, and having the
> original system disks was a moot point, as there were so many other more
> useful disks to have.
> Sam
> Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer,
Received on Thu Jun 19 1997 - 08:11:11 BST