Jeff Hellige wrote:
> On 21-Jun-97, e.tedeschi wrote:
> >c) You are against helping "foreigners" (and therefore "different")
> >collectors to export "your" stuff perhaps in the wrong perception that
> >it will diminish the heritage of the country (yours). I have striken a
> >deal with one of the subscriber here and he disappeared in the distance
> >after a while (he did not answer anymore...) By the way does anybody
> >need British stuff? I would be glad to help you with it.
> I think in this case, the thing that chases people away is the sheer cost
> of shipping these items overseas. Most of it is fairly heavy, and in my
> experiece of shipping just within in U.S., can be quite costly to ship just
> about anywhere. At one point I was working on a deal with a gentleman in
> Australia to get a C-16 with a a lot of original cassette software from him,
> but he eventually backed out because of the shipping cost, and this was with a
> very small system. Unless it was quite a rare system, or something you wanted
> quite badly, it wouldn't likely be worth the total cost, even if it didn't
> cost anything to actually purchase the item. I myself wouldn't mind adding
> some of the foreign systems to my collection, but don't for the reasons above.
> Jeff
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Amiga enthusiast and collector of early, classic microcomputers
This can't be true as the cost of carriage is always beared by the
recipient (in this case me). Also I found that if you don't want the
stuff quickly (read airmail) it can be surprising reasonable.
Enrico Tedeschi, 54, Easthill Drive, BRIGHTON BN41 2FD, U.K.
tel/fax +(0)1273 701650 (24 hours) or 0850 104725 mobile
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visit Brighton: <>
Received on Sat Jun 21 1997 - 11:50:58 BST