Univac Card Punch Base

From: William Donzelli <william_at_ans.net>
Date: Sun Jun 22 22:39:20 1997

> Anyone have any use for or want a Univac Card Punch Base? I bought this
> thing probably 15 or 20 years ago before I started collecting, tore it
> apart and threw away the main unit and kept the base which I used as a
> desk. I kind of hate to toss it and I would MUCH prefer to give it
> away.

Is anything left of the electronics? RCS/RI has one of these things that
may be missing parts. Finding replacements may be a REAL problem.

I should do a quick audit of our unit, and let you know if we need anything.

Where are you located?

William Donzelli
Received on Sun Jun 22 1997 - 22:39:20 BST

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