Floppy drive type for North Star controller?
Hi all,
Anybody know what type of drive I can connect to the popular North Star
MDS-AD3 S-100 disk controller board?
I'm confused with all of this old floppy terminology. I know single vs.
dual density (FM vs. MFM) is determined by the controller, and soft vs.
hard sectoring is determined by the controller, so neither of these
should matter as far as the drive is concerned.
What bothers me is single vs. double sided and all of those jumpers on 5
1/4" drives. Will dual sided drives work on single sided controllers,
with only one side operating? Do those jumpers need to be set
differently for different controllers, and how would I find
documentation for the various brands (I'm sure I wouldn't!)
Any advice appreciated,
Received on Thu Jun 26 1997 - 18:07:42 BST
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