Here's the list I keep. Sorry about the formatting.
November, 1971 Intel 4004 CPU
1971 Nutting & Associates Computer Space arcade
1972 Atari Pong arcade
1972 Magnavox Odyssey home video game system
November, 1972 Intel 8008 CPU
March, 1974 Scelbi 8H kit appears in QST magazine
April, 1974 Intel 8080 CPU
July, 1974 Mark 8 plans appear in Radio Electronics magazine
August, 1974 Motorola 6800
1974 RCA 1802 CPU
1974 Atari Pong home game
January, 1975 MITS Altair 8800
September, 1975 IBM 5100
1975 IMSAI 8080
1975 Processor Technology Sol
1975 MOS Technology/Commodore KIM-1
July, 1976 Apple I kit
July, 1976 Zilog Z80 CPU
1976 Fairchild/Zircon Channel F home game
April, 1977 Apple II
April, 1977 Commodore PET
August, 1977 Tandy TRS-80
1977 Atari 2600 VCS home game
1977 RCA Studio II home game
1977 Bally Astrocade home game
1978 Intel 8085 CPU
June, 1978 Intel 8086 CPU
December, 1978 Atari 400/800 s
1978 Taito/Bally/Midway Space Invaders arcade
1978 Magnavox Odyssey2 home game
February, 1979 Intel 8088 CPU
May, 1979 Seattle Products 8086 S-100 CPU board
May, 1979 Tandy TRS-80 Model II
June, 1979 Texas Instruments 99/4
June, 1979 Apple II+
September, 1979 Motorola 68000 CPU
1979 Atari Asteroids arcade
1979 Atari Lunar Lander arcade
1979 Mattel Intellivision home game
February, 1980 Sinclair ZX80
June, 1980 Commodore VIC-20
July, 1980 Tandy TRS-80 Model III
July, 1980 Tandy TRS-80 Color I
September, 1980 Apple III
1980 Atari Battlezone arcade
1980 Atari Missile Command arcade
1980 Bally/Midway Pac-Man arcade
1980 APF M1000 home game
April, 1981 Osborne 1
May, 1981 Xerox Star
August, 1981 IBM PC
1981 Atari Centipede arcade
1981 Nintendo Donkey Kong arcade
November, 1982 Compaq Portable PC
1982 Commodore 64
1982 Colecovision home game
1982 GCE/Milton Bradley Vectrex home game
1982 Milton Bradley Microvision hand held game
1982 Atari 5200 home game
1982 Emerson Arcadia 2001 home game
January, 1983 Apple Lisa
January, 1983 Apple Iie
March, 1983 Tandy TRS-80 Model 100
April, 1983 Tandy TRS-80 Model 4
June, 1983 Coleco Adam
October, 1983 IBM PC-XT
October, 1983 Compaq Portable Plus
December, 1983 Apple III+
1983 Mattel Intellivision II home game
1983 Mattel Aquarius
January, 1984 Apple Macintosh
February, 1984 IBM Portable PC
March, 1984 IBM PCjr
April, 1984 Apple IIc
June, 1984 Compaq DeskPro
August, 1984 IBM PC-AT
September, 1984 Tandy 1000
1984 Motorola 68010 CPU
1984 Intel 80186 CPU
1984 Intel 80286 CPU
January, 1985 Commodore 128
January, 1985 Atari 520ST
January, 1985 Atari XE
January, 1985 Apple Macintosh XL
April, 1985 Compaq DeskPro 286
April, 1985 Compaq Portable 286
July, 1985 Commodore Amiga 1000
1985 Nintendo Entertainment System
January, 1986 Apple Macintosh Plus
February, 1986 Compaq Portable II
April, 1986 IBM PC Convertible
August, 1986 Intel 80386 CPU
September, 1986 Compaq DeskPro 386
September, 1986 IBM PC-XT 286
1986 Sega Master System home game
1986 Atari 7800
March, 1987 Apple Macintosh II
April, 1987 IBM PS/2
October, 1987 Compaq Portable 386
1987 Motorola 68030 CPU
> ----------
> From: e.tedeschi
> Reply To:
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 1997 4:39 AM
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: which month?
> I wonder if anybody here has the *exact* months of introduction of the
> three first *real* home computers introduced in 1977:
> a) the Apple II
> b) the Tandy TRS-80
> c) the Commodore Pet
> I need them for a book on collecting home computers I am researching
> for.
> Thank you
> enrico
> --
> ================================================================
> Enrico Tedeschi, 54, Easthill Drive, BRIGHTON BN41 2FD, U.K.
> tel/fax +(0)1273 701650 (24 hours) or 0850 104725 mobile
> website <>
> ================================================================
> visit Brighton: <>
Received on Fri Jun 27 1997 - 12:13:02 BST