Items found at thrift stores

From: hellige <>
Date: Sat Mar 15 14:28:05 1997

   I went through a couple thrift stores today and found the following items
for sale:

   1) TI-99/4 Peripheral Expansion System: was intact, but only had the flex
cable interface card, cable, floppy controller, and floppy disk drive
installed. Was labeled as 'not working' and had a price of $5 on it.

   2) Commodore Plus/4: included power supply, and was labeled as 'not
working' but did power up. couldn't plug it up to a TV. had a price of $7 on
it. box or manual.

   3) Commodore 1541 disk drive: new style (brown case, flip handle).
condition unknown though looks good. lacks serial cable. price of $4.

   If anybody is in need of these items, or is interested in them, let me know
and we could probably work something out for me to pick them up and ship them
to you for the cost of it plus the shipping.

   //  Amiga: The computer for the creative mind...since 1985!
  //   -------------------------------------------------------
\//   True 32bit pre-emptive multitasking GUI, plug&play hardware,
\/      stereo sound, and 4096 color video modes since day #1
   Collector of classic home computers:
   Amiga 1000, Atari 800, Atari 800XL, Atari Mega-ST/2, Commodore 
   C-128, Commodore Plus/4, Commodore VIC-20, Kaypro 2X, Mattel
   Aquarius, Osbourne Executive, Sinclair ZX-81, TI-99/4A, Timex-
   Sinclair 1000, TRS-80 Color Computer-3, and a TRS-80 Model 4.
   Plus Atari SuperPong and Atari 2600VCS game consoles.
Received on Sat Mar 15 1997 - 14:28:05 GMT

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