C Itoh Video Terminal

From: Isaac Davis <idavis_at_comland.com>
Date: Fri Mar 28 15:40:43 1997

At 12:48 PM 3/28/97 -0800, you wrote:
>If you still have this, I would definitely have a use for it... I have about
>7 Unix machines that I could use an extra dumb terminal on...
> Jay Vaughan

        It's yours. I will try and box it up this weekend and ship it out
early next week, it's not extremely heavy, but it's close. I will even see
if I can get the crayon off of it. There's not much, just a little
scribble, but everything works just fine on it. I don't have any cables to
hook it up, just the keyboard and the monitor, but it looks like it has
standard rs232 and parallel ports on the back. I knew someone could use it,
and sure hated to throw it away. I have never really shipped anything(man
i'm naieve), so if you want anything special fed-ex wise, email me and let
me know what to do.
Isaac Davis : Doing the bull dance.
idavis_at_comland.com : Feeling the flow.
indavis_at_juno.com : Working it. Working it.
Received on Fri Mar 28 1997 - 15:40:43 GMT

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