
From: Jim Willing <jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com>
Date: Thu May 1 01:24:00 1997

At 10:22 PM 4/30/97 -0700, you wrote:
>> Later, Pertec was bought by Triumph-Adler in Germany.
>> I've wanted to run a few similar questions by them, but have found no easy
>> means of communication so far...
>Try e-mail. I'm sure you may get lucky and find them in a search
>engine. Or try posting on some german newsgroups.

Oh, I had no trouble finding them... Now, getting a response out of them
is a whole 'nother matter...


The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Thu May 01 1997 - 01:24:00 BST

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