At 10:12 22/05/97 +0100, you wrote:
>In article <Pine.LNX.3.91.970522045703.16495A-
>>, Alexios Chouchoulas
>> While we're talking about EPROMs, anyone care to suggest a cheap burner?
>>Preferably one I can buy in the UK, but any ideas would be lovely. I've
>>looked at some, but they're all in the UKP250+ price range. I'm seriously
>>considering building my own...
> Maplin do two under 200UKP - the EPP1-F at 162.99 and the EPP-2
>199.99 (both prices inclusive of VAT). I bought a EPP1-F a long time ago
>at one company I worked at and it seemed OK for small EPROMS/EEPROMS (up
>to 128k x 8. Comes with a DOS-based editor and utilities but claims to
>work on any computer with an RS232 and terminal software.
>>From the catalogue, the EPP-2 is the same but goes up to 512k / 8Mbit
I fully agree:
I own a HI-LO (the company name producing the EPP and ALL family) EPP-01A
eprom programmer since three years, and never had problems.
NMOS/CMOS EPROM : from 2716 to 27512 and 1 Mbit
EEPROM: 2816, 2816A, 2817A, 2864A, 28256A
Page Mode EPROM : 27513,27011
Quick program time: 20 secs for a 27256
Easy to install
Easy to use software
Its price here in Italy was abt. 160 UKP (incl. VAT)
But if price doesn't matter and you're looking for performances, take a look
at this jewel
>Hope it helps.
>Riccardo Romagnoli, Forli' - Italy
Received on Fri May 23 1997 - 14:49:24 BST