Forgot one more! UK folks pls comment (RE: Another weekend haul story)

From: Martin Evans <>
Date: Tue May 27 14:54:43 1997

In article <51194C00BD39CF11839000805F385DB204F788BB_at_RED-65->, Kai Kaltenbach <> writes
>Almost forgot - I also picked up an Apricot F2. For those in the US,
>this is one bizarre machine. It's only about 7" wide, 4" tall and 16"
>deep. It has a wireless infrared keyboard and wireless hand-held
>I never knew these were sold in the United States. It's marked 60Hz so
>it's not an import. About all I know about it is from a couple of web
>references -- 1985, 8086 CPU, 512K RAM, dual 720K drives, ran a modified
>OEM version of MS-DOS.
>Any additional information -- and pointers to a boot disk --

        Yes, they were sold in the UK. I can remember seeing lots of
them around second-hand so I don't think they were very popular. They
weren't a proper IBM compatible because of their modified MSDOS so maybe
once their owners found this out they dumped 'em, but I think they came
with a standard suite of programs. I can also remember that or a similar
model having a microphone for note-taking.

Sorry, I can't give you a contact for booting.

Martin Evans
Received on Tue May 27 1997 - 14:54:43 BST

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