The Power supply is 9v just like the 1050 drives, 850 drives and 810
drives. all the exact same powersupply. If you need the amps let me know,
it's not much
> From: Zane H. Healy <>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: 8-bit Atari's
> Date: Saturday, November 01, 1997 9:44 PM
> I had a good day scrounging the junk stores, first chance I've had in
> two months to do any serious looking. Among the things I came up with
> today were an Atari 400 and a Atari 800. No Power Supply for either
> though, but then I'm used to that problem. The question is, what on
> does it use for a PS? Can I just break out the old Atari 2600 and use
> PS?
> On a positive note I finally found a Power Supply for an Apple ][c, yahoo
> one less power supply needed! Also was finally able to replace the
> I gave away about 7 years ago, got a bunch of cartridges for various
> systems, a very nice TI-99/4A, and a Laser 1200. All in all a good day.
> Zane
> | Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
> | (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
> | (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
> +----------------------------------+----------------------------+
> | For Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
> | and the collecting of Classic Computers with info on them. |
> | see |
Received on Sat Nov 01 1997 - 22:07:58 GMT