At 17:44 11/5/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Bill Yakowenko wrote:
>> Hey all. I think its about time I de-lurk and introduce myself.
>> We had a couple SwTPC 6800 systems in my high school way back when,
>> and I'd love to see one again (or own one!).
>Hi Bill, welcome to the list! BTW, what is SSB stuff? I think of SSB as
>Single-Side Band....
Smoke Signal Broadcasting, SS50-bus micros -- SS50 was like oversize Molex.
I also wanted to say that, Bill, that was very elegant of you; I can't
remember having seen a properly executed <delurk> in years. The Net today
has no time for the little graces.
Kip Crosby
Computer History Association of California
Received on Thu Nov 06 1997 - 09:52:49 GMT