Franklin ACE

From: Doug Coward <>
Date: Thu Nov 6 17:45:24 1997

 If anyone lives in the northern N.J. area and can help this person
out, please contact him and copy me.
> >I have a number of 5.25 disks that were created on a Franklin. They
> >contain the memoirs of my late Uncle. The computer is no longer
> >available. How can I access the information on these disks?
>>I live in Wyckoff, NJ (Bergen County -about 15 miles from NY). I have
>>not a clue what type of software was used. Can they be converted to
>>Word, Wordperfect, or Prowrite?
The subject of his message was ACE 2200. I have a working ACE 2200,
and ACE Writer software, but I prefer not to have him risk his disks
in the mail ("the truth and the first Altair are still out there").
 This is one of the reasons I collect computers. Again if you can help
him copy me too.
 The address is David Merdler <>
Doug Coward
Senior Software Engineer
Press Start Inc.

Museum of Personal Computing Machinery

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Received on Thu Nov 06 1997 - 17:45:24 GMT

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