At 01:45 11/8/97 -0600, you wrote:
>HP 75D with 9114 disk drive -- $25
>....Anyway, if anyone has *any* info about it, I'd love to hear from you. I
>tried HP's site and all I got was that it's discontinued, not supported, and
>replaced by a newer handheld....
The 75D, demonstrating a logic rare in HP model numbers, is the immediate
successor of the 75C, often described as "HP's first fully portable
computer." They were, IIRC, made in Singapore and not anywhere near as
common as the later HP handhelds; this was one of those cases where HP saw
the light bulb before the customers did.
The 75x is not pricey, as you discovered, but not easy to find, and
undoubtedly significant.
Kip Crosby
Computer History Association of California
Received on Sat Nov 08 1997 - 23:19:17 GMT