HD Floppies in DD Drives

From: jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca <(jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca)>
Date: Mon Nov 10 11:45:52 1997

> At 08:43 AM 11/9/97 -0600, you wrote:
> >Here's a silly question, but one I've never understood:
> Not that silly; but I'm afraid I don't recall the answer. 8^)
> >Since some of the software for my "old" (first generation PC) computers
> >is on 5 1/4" disks of dubious condition, I would like to make copies
> I think the best way to do this is to make disk images. I know the Mac can
> do this with Mac disks, and I'm sure the PC can too, but I've not found
> (i.e., not looked for) the software to do it. Can someone recommend a PC
> program to read 5.25" (and 3.5"?) diskettes and make images of them?
> This, I think, is where syquest drives (and similar) come in *very* handy.
> You can store the images on a removeable disk and not bother taking up fixed
> disk space for them.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
> Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
> sinasohn_at_ricochet.net that none but madmen know."
> Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
> San Francisco, California http://www.crl.com/~sinasohn/
There is... look into the simtel site and d/l several of them to try
out. Some are DOS, win3.x and win95.
I prefer to archive all of my disks to that dos based imager.

Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 11:45:52 GMT

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