On Mon, 10 Nov 97 17:12:50 GMT, you wrote:
>> >> >....in my experience
>> >> >with IBM network cards, if they're a round (i.e. BNC) connector,
>> >> >they're probably the old "baseband" stuff that uses lots of coax
>> >>cable >and a hub/amplifier, and work only with IBM PC-LAN Program
>> >>and >NetBEUI....the number 2Mb/sec comes
>> >> >to mind....
>> >> Are we talking about Arcnet here? When I think 2Mb/sec, BNC
>> >>connector, and 8-bit bus, I think Arcnet, but there may have been
>> >others.... If the cards are _branded_ IBM, chances are well over
>> >ten to one that they are
>> >Token Ring. IBM never touched Arcnet, and was hesitant about
>> >Ethernet. --
>> >Ward Griffiths
>> If any of those network cards ARE token-ring and have BNC connectors, I
>> would love to buy a couple. I got an old Token ring MAU several years ago
>> that has BNC ports and would like to try it out. Can't tell you how many
>> people have flat out denied that Token Ring was ever carried over coax!
>> But the existence of the MAU is proof enough that at one time it was done.
>Wow. I must admit, I thought that token ring required too many wires
>for co-ax. Or was the 4-wire connection replaced by coax in, coax out?
>Seriously, if it's IBM and co-ax I'd guess at SNA (Systems Network
>Architecture - the famous 3270 series terminals and related devices).
>This was not a PC network architecture at all - it was a loads-of-
>terminals-into-the-mainframe architecture - and the card would have come
>with terminal emulator software.
>BTW, did anyone discover what the IBM System/74 was? The description
>sounded more like a system/34 to me, and I certainly never heard of the
>74 when I worked at IBM.
The ones I'm thinking of are _not_ 3270. I've worked with a lot of
those, too. Actually, as I think about it, it was the 3270 that had
BNC connectors; the baseband network cards had the regular screw-on
coax connector as is used for cable TV. It used a device which looked
much like the 8-way cable TV splitters, except what would be the
"input" terminal went to a white box with a power cord; I believe it
was an amplifier or a filter of some kind. You hooked up to 8
workstations to the "splitter", and terminated the unused splitter
outputs. I've got the whole setup, including docs and disks, that we
got rid of at my office when we went to token ring in a box in my
basement somewhere if anyone really cares about the details. I was
going to use it at home, but it was *far* too slow, and nobody made
drivers for it any more so I ended up going with 10Mbps thin ethernet
-Bill Richman
"When they took the fourth amendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs.
When they took the sixth amendment, I was quiet because I was innocent.
When they took the second amendment, I was quiet because I didn't own a gun.
Now they've taken the first amendment, and I can say nothing about it."
Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 18:23:51 GMT