Need Info: Sick PDP-8/f (Diode)
> Hi Allison:
> > <> Your best bet is the 1N914 silicon diode. The one your replacing is likel
> > <> not germainium. 1n914s are available from many sources (even radio crap
> > <> for a few cents a peice.
> >
> > Trust me they are not caps, the part someone described would come into
> > common use about 5-8 years later! To tell if they are diodes an
> > ohmeter(VOM) and check for resistance one way and open circuit the other.
> > No resistance in either direction is a cap!
> I spoke with a fellow who has a print set for the board, he indicated that
> there are no diodes on the board at all. There are, however, quite a few
> bypass caps shown on the schematic. My glass devices are all in parallel,
> each associated to a particular, IC, and are grounded on the other lead.
> I will have to remove an intact one to check resistance and determine what
> they are.
> Thanks for the reply,
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin McQuiggin VE7ZD
Those glassy thingy are in fact are bypass caps especially if they're
hooked to both ground and 5v planes and very close to IC's.
Otherwise an expensive resistor!
Received on Wed Nov 12 1997 - 17:30:10 GMT
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