Powells Bookstore (was: Anyone have a copy of this book) & VIC Kernel

From: Richard Cini <rcini_at_email.msn.com>
Date: Fri Nov 14 18:21:14 1997

Thanks for the suggestions re: Powell's Bookstore. They had the book for
$60, a $23 savings over Amazon. Granted, it is a used copy, but if my used
books are a guide, I should get a quality book. Highly recommended store
for tech books. I'd like to visit it someday.

Also, for those interested, I finished my VIC-20 Kernel documentation
project. Right now, I have completely recompilable source code for the
Commodore VIC-20 kernel ROM. It took me over 2 years, part time, but it
works. Anyone who is interested in finding out more, send me a private

Rich Cini/WUGNET
  - ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
  - MCP Windows 95/Networking
Received on Fri Nov 14 1997 - 18:21:14 GMT

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