I just passing this along, can anyone help him repair his drives?
Reply to him, Loufer_at_aol.com, not me.
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 23:24:51 -0700
To: dlw_at_neosoft.com
From: Loufer_at_aol.com
http://www.neosoft.com/~dlw/comp/comphave.htmlCromemco Z2D
Dave, I have an entire Cromemco Z2D system that I purchased at an
auction several years ago. It was completely disassembled, and was
noted as 'computer junk' and sold as a lot. Assembled, it had two
monitors, two 5-1/4 drives, two 8" (wood cabinet) drives and many
extra S100 cards. There's an analog-digital IO card, 3 64K mem, 6 16K
mem, Dazzler (still new and unassembled), set of joysticks, and other
misc hardware. Although I'm not interested in selling it (it WAS my
first computer after all), but I sure could use some help finding
someone to repair one of the paired 8 inch PerSci drives.
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David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Fri Oct 03 1997 - 04:56:38 BST