I finally got a NeXT cube! I got it with a MegaPixel Display for $150.
I have some questions. First, I'm assuming mine is a later revision
because the motherboard has a date of 1990 on it. The CPU is a 68040.
All my simm slots are filled up. How much memory does this mean it has?
Now, I can't get the damn thing to boot up, because I can't figure out
where to plug the keyboard into. I know this sounds stupid and all, but
the keyboard connector is a round mini-DIN type with a peg in the center.
The two connectors on the back that look like it would fit in (labeled 'A'
and 'B') don't have a hole in the center for the peg to fit into, so they
obviously aren't for the keyboard. Where does the keyboard go?
Also, this looks like it has a hard drive in it, and it also has some sort
of removable carthridge mass storage device in the front. It looks like
it might fit a CD-ROM carthridge. Is this the case?
I'd like to end this message with a public service announcement:
Stupid People Should Not Be Allowed to Have Old Computers
There was this lady selling this huge, desk-based computer system of some
type. It had like a 21"x21" monitor, a full keyboard, a couple extra
keypads with numbers and buttons and stuff, it had a 8" drive built into
the desk, and it was some sort of testing system for something. I forgot
what it was called an all that, but anyway, this lady, as stupid as they
come, wanted $10,000 for this thing. Ok, now I know sometimes people just
don't know what stuff is worth, but I'm sorry, nobody is going to pay
$10,000 for an old computer system, I don't care how big and impressive it
looks, and especially NOT at a swap meet. So I would like to have a law
passed that says "Stupid people shall not be allowed to have old
computers". It will be called the Stupid People with Computers Act.
Any help on the NeXT cube would be appreciated.
Sam Alternate e-mail:
Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer, Jackass
Attend the First Annual Vintage Computer Festival
See for details!
Received on Sun Oct 05 1997 - 15:09:39 BST