CC> My NeXT cube

From: Glenn Roberts <>
Date: Mon Oct 6 06:41:00 1997

At 05:43 PM 10/5/97 -0700, Sam wrote:
>Ok, my NeXT cube is still booting. It keeps saying...
>yp: server not responding for domain ""; still trying.
> I can't figure out what to do to make it give me a login

the machine had previously been a client in a NIS (Network Information
Service, formerly "Yellow Pages") domain on whatever network it was
installed on (obviously at (strange that they didn't wipe
the disk before letting this out of the door!)

i'm not a NeXToid but assuming Mach works approximately like any other
flavor of UNIX you'll need to boot "single user" to modify the appropriate
boot scripts. best bet would seem to be to get the original installation
media and boot from it. if you can get to a boot ROM prompt (is there such
a thing on a NeXT cube?) then there's probably a single-user switch on the
boot command (e.g. a-la Sun's boot -s).

i'm sure there are news groups out there with dozens of folks who could
answer this one.

- glenn

| Glenn F. Roberts, Falls Church, VA
| Comments are my own and not the opinion of my employer
Received on Mon Oct 06 1997 - 06:41:00 BST

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