Well there is a company that sells them new for 30.00 so..... so much for
any inflation beyond that. If anyone wants that link let me know.
> From: Kip Crosby <engine_at_chac.org>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: CC> TS 1000
> Date: Monday, October 06, 1997 11:04 AM
> I have received a phone call from a guy in San Luis Obispo CA (no e-mail)
> who wants to sell a Timex Sinclair 1000 -- complete including the 16K
> expansion module -- at a swap meet. Like many people who are peripheral
> the community, he has a somewhat inflated idea of what this treasure is
> worth, so I figure the best education is to just send him to the swap
> Anybody know of any close to him?
> __________________________________________
> Kip Crosby engine_at_chac.org
> http://www.chac.org/index.html
> Computer History Association of California
Received on Mon Oct 06 1997 - 11:24:56 BST