Interface strangeness on any kinds. Was: RE: Mac Portable

From: <(>
Date: Fri Oct 10 17:56:48 1997

> >Actually, from what I've read on the net, it's no big deal to rebuild
> >the battery. If you open it up, it's just 3(?) Gates Cylon 2V cells.
> >
> >As for a source for a charger, here's my two favorite Mac places:
> >
> > Intragate ( 505-265-7759
> > Timco Computers ( 206-933-6090
> >
> >
> >Intragate has slightly better prices, but Timco is slightly more likely
> >to have it in stock. YMMV
> >
> ><<<John>>>
> Two more things:
> 1) The other gotcha with a Mac Portable seems to be the hard drive.
> Although it is SCSI, it is a strange Connor with an unusual connector.
> Plans do exist on the net, though, for how to build an adapter for
> a standard drive.
> 2) I'm looking for one of these, if anyone (John?) comes across one cheap.
> I keep having people dangle the possibility of getting one under my nose,
> but it never pans out.
> <<<John>>>
That hd interface strangeness springs up in my mind also on early pre
2.5" ATA IDE type with 19mm thick 3.5" hds found in early series of
LTE (8088) and LTE 286. That's not related to LTE 386s/20 which uses
standard IDE 2.5" drives.

One customer came in with LTE 286, dead hd, I tore it apart. Found
it's really IDE 2.5" interface so we wired up for 1-1, 2-2 pin for
pin adapter cable to accept 2.5" IDE drive and set the cmos,
reformatted it. Now an happy owner with bit longer living notebook
due to lower current demands from newer 2.5" drives. :)

Suggest that LTE/LTE 286 should be included into the 10 year class

Jason D.
Received on Fri Oct 10 1997 - 17:56:48 BST

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