Scott Walde wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, e.tedeschi wrote:
> >> > and what about the SINCLAIR SPECTRUM = the most sold and popular
> >> > computer ever produced in the world? I think it should be at least
> >> > listed in here!
> >>
> >> I think "the most sold and popular computer ever produced in the world"
> >> would be the Commodore 64. If we're talking about machines made by a
> >> single manufacturer, anyway.
> >I dont' agree at all and like me all the magazines I have don't agree
> >either. The fact that you don't know it dos not mean that it is not
> >true.
> I don't recall what enrico said was the number of spectrums made, but the
> varying reports of number of C64s made range from 17-22 million. I'll
> leave the readers to draw their own conclusions so I don't have to endure
> the wrath of enrico. (and yes, I know there are other computers in the
> world... the statement here is 'most sold' and I'm assuming Commodore
> sold most of the C64s they built.)
> ttfn
> srw
OK, even if it is the second (third, etc.) most sold computer in the
world it is still one of the most popular ever produced and it does not
excuse the complete lack of interest that it gets in the States. USA is
NOT the centre of the world, you know. Spectrum clones have been
produced in Russia, Portugal, Brasil, Hungaria, Corea and god know where
else and surely many are not in any official statistics ......
Enrico Tedeschi, 54, Easthill Drive, BRIGHTON BN41 2FD, U.K.
tel/fax +(0)1273 701650 (24 hours) or 0850 104725 mobile
website: <>
Received on Mon Oct 13 1997 - 17:11:01 BST