At 03:50 PM 10/13/97 -0700, you wrote:
>> Disk]['s. Did Apple license Bell & Howell to make these machines? If they
>> did, did they license other companies as well?
>Yes and they were all black. I don't think Apple ever licensed the design
>to any other company, and I'm surprised that they even licensed it at all.
My money says that Apple licensed the II to B&H as a way of getting into
schools. B&H made projectors and such for the school market and so buyers
are far more likely to buy a Bell and Howell computer than some machine from
some company nobody ever heard of.
And once the computers were in place, Apple could get in the door by selling
Bell and Howell clones...
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Oct 15 1997 - 01:29:49 BST