Neat find: Maxx Steele Robot

From: Marvin <>
Date: Thu Oct 16 01:41:12 1997

I visited a local thrift store today and found a Maxx Steele Robot for about
$10.00 untested. It looked like a lot of fun so I picked it up. The robot
came with the charger, manual, controller, no battery, and some sort of hand
mirror which I am guessing can be used in some manner to control it. It
didn't have a battery so I put a 12 volt gel cell in it, but it still didn't
work. A number of engineers were here tonight, and while I was cooking, they
ended up getting the thing to work (the gel cell I used was either
uncharged, or there was a bad connection to the battery.) In looking around
the web, it seems that it uses a 65C02 processor as the CPU. One web page I
found indicated that there were only about 5000 of these things made. I
hadn't really planned to collect robots ... but then again, I hadn't planned
on collecting computers either :).
Received on Thu Oct 16 1997 - 01:41:12 BST

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