Hard Drive Bible, 8th edition

From: Alan Richards <alanr_at_morgan.ucs.mun.ca>
Date: Thu Oct 16 23:47:24 1997

At 04:53 PM 15/10/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I picked up a copy of this book, as it seems quite handy. It has lots
>of info on older, long since discontinued drives.
>The local MicroCenter here in Dallas has a giant pile of them for
>something like $5 each; it says list $49.99 so this may be a bargain.
>If there is any interest, I could pick up a few to send elsewhere.

  Hell yes I would be interested, If you could pick one up for me, I'll pay
shipping + cost. Reply if you can can still get them... Thanks in advance.

______________________________________________Live from the GLRS
                                              The Man From D.A.D
Received on Thu Oct 16 1997 - 23:47:24 BST

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