Hard Drive Bible, 8th edition

From: Matt Pritchard <MPritchard_at_EnsembleStudios.com>
Date: Fri Oct 17 14:46:53 1997

To help with questions I've asked, here's some info the Hard Drive Bible
It says July, 1996. It seems to cover older drives, up to the first one
and two gig drives. in the "hard drive peramters" chapters for example:

Alps America: 8 entries from 10 to 212 MB,
Ampex: 4 entries, 5, 10, 15 , and 20 mb,
Areal tech: 6 entries, 62 to 136mb (all IDE 2.5" notebook drives)
BASF: 5 entires, 23, 15, 8, 10, 21mb (all MFM)


It's a bit PC centric.

Major chapters:
History of Disk Drives
Interface Standards
PRML tehcnology
Enhanced IDE
SCSI command reference
What is SCSI-3?
SCA Hot plugs
PCI interface
Choosing a Hard Drive and Controller
Controller Setup and Jumpering
Drive Setup and Jumpering
Drive Cabling
Low level Formatting
DOS partitioning
Macintosh Drive Installation
Windows Drive Format
Win95 Disk Format
Novell Compsurf
Hardware Compatibility Problems
Common Installation Problems
Universal IDE parameters
Hard Drive List
Fine Tuning
Hard Drive Parameters (by manufacturer)
Controller Information (by manufacturer)
Connector Pinouts
Drive Jumpers
Floppy Drives
Optical Disk Drive Technology
Optical Jukeboxes
Optical Drive Specifications
Tape Drives
CSC benchmark tests
System Notes
Industry Phone List
BBS Numbers

-Matt Pritchard
Graphics Engine and Optimization Specialist
Received on Fri Oct 17 1997 - 14:46:53 BST

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