Due to massive amounts of caffeine & sleep deprivation, Barry Peterson said:
>I have a short 8-bit PC card labeled "5250 EMULATOR". It has a big
>1.5" X 1.5" chip labeled 02F8059ESD, a smaller .5" X .5" chip labeled
>7378945ESD, a 6264 8KB SRAM, 5 misc. chips, a 32MHZ xtal, assorted
>discrete components a 8-position DIP switch, and a DB-15M connector
>on the back.
>The $64.00 question: What is it?
Hate to say it like this, but it's a "5250 Emulator" card.
Seriously, it's a card that will allow you to connect to TwinAx devices /
systems, like an IBM AS/400.
With the right software and that card, you can use any IBM/Clone as a
terminal to an AS/400, and some software will even allow you to use a local
parallel printer as an AS/400 printer.
HTH, gotta run.
Roger Merchberger | Why does Hershey's put nutritional
Programmer, NorthernWay | information on their candy bar wrappers
zmerch_at_northernway.net | when there's no nutritional value within?
Received on Fri Oct 17 1997 - 15:55:40 BST