I saw this in the Linux-8086/ELKS mailing list. Anyone know about this
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Anyone ever heard of a a "VX/PC" card? I got one today
from a junk bin, there are two full length 8 bit ISA cards
connected together; one is marked "VX/PC processor card"
and has an 80188 and some ROM and other chips, and the
other is "VX/PC memory card" and has a whole bunch of DRAMs.
There is another board attached to one of them marked "16.8
million color board" even. Any suggestions? I have not tried
installing one and seeing what comes out the video output yet.
Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust hamish_at_debian.org, hmoffatt_at_mail.com
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering. 3rd year, RMIT.
http://hamish.home.ml.org/ (PGP key here) CPOM: [***** ] 56%
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