On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, Marvin wrote:
> Not being an Apple person, what is the major difference between the Apple ][
> and the Apple ][+? For probably the first time in my life, I started
> playing around with one today. I noticed the motherboard only said Apple ][
> on it with no mention of the plus. Is this mainly a difference of when the
> boards were made coupled with a different set of ROMs?
Only real functional difference is which set of ROMs were installed. The
Apple ][ came with the Integer ROM set, and the ][+ came with the
Applesoft ROMs. The later Apple ][+ machines also no longer had the
memory jumper blocks to the left of the RAM array.
> Also, I have a
> language card. Is this card usable on any Apple or only the Plus's?
Either. It plugs into slot 0, and the cable plugs into the upper left
hand corner RAM chip socket (remove the chip first B^} )
> Are ][e cards interchangeable with the +?
In most cases, yes.
> How does one know which slot to plug
> the cards into since I have heard Apple cards are slot sensitive?
Depends a lot on the card. Language card in slot 0, printer card in slot
1, disk controller (usually) in slot 6...
> I can see why most Apple users don't *want* to know what is inside :).
Maybe today... B^}
The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Tue Oct 21 1997 - 09:37:54 BST