At 02:03 AM 10/22/97 -0500, I wrote:
>Thanks for the info! Do you know if it's positive on the inside or outside?
>(either + -O)- - or - -O)- + ?)
Oh fiddle. I meant to send that directly to the person I was replying to,
but I goofed. Sorry. But thanks anyway to all who responded.
Btw, I think that the page I quoted went a little overboard. I don't think
you *have* to replace the 9volt battery with an adapter, but you can.
(Duh.) Still, I saw the switch that requires removing the L-A battery cover
(and presumably, you would want to remove the battery as well to run off
AC?) I'll report back after trying it out. (I picked up a variable power
adapter from RatShack today 'cause I've got quite a few machines missing
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Oct 22 1997 - 22:19:29 BST