NorthStar info??

From: Richard Cini <>
Date: Sat Oct 25 17:02:15 1997

Hello, all:

    I just got my hands on a North Star system with a load of S-100 boards
(mostly Vector Graphics boards; some of which labeled "BAD"). Does anyone
have any info on the following:

    Vector Graphics: ZCB Z80 processor board, 12k PROM board, 16K SRAM
board and 64k SRAM board, Micro-Disk floppy controller. I also need info on
a Solid State Music video interface board (I think that I have a bad RAM
chip on mine).


Rich Cini/WUGNET
  - ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
  - MCP Windows 95/Networking
Received on Sat Oct 25 1997 - 17:02:15 BST

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