Space problems in the UK and US

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Sat Oct 25 20:09:36 1997 wrote:

> > Actually, I'm one of the lucky ones. My fiancee permits me a whole 8" by 10"
> > room in the basement for my laboratory. Not much room to actually _move
> Eight by ten inches? You poor thing! But I expect you are exaggerating...

One of the minor annoyances about collecting classic computers is the
variety of decisions that were made in placement of punctuation on the
keyboards. That was supposed to be feet, not inches, of course. And it
would be worse, not better, if I were a touch typist.
Ward Griffiths
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails 
of the last priest."  [Denis Diderot, "Dithyrambe sur la fete de rois"]
Received on Sat Oct 25 1997 - 20:09:36 BST

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