I should report that I actually tracked down the "agency" in charge of
supporting this archaic product! Maynard bought Archive (or vice
versa), Conner bought Maynard, and Seagate bought Conner. Seagate had
no knowledge of the FT60.
I was able, however, to find a bunch of old phone numbers for all the
parties involved. I started calling them, expecting to find that they
were long ago disconnected. Lo and behold, the first number (for
Archive) was answer by some department deep in the bowels of Seagate
tech support. They said they didn't have any knowledge of the FT60, but
would "check around with a few old timers" to see if anyone had any
ideas. The result was a referral to a place called TSSI at 800-286-0651
who handles support for the old hardware (but not software).
Once I got across what I was trying to find, they were able to identify
the board and find a several page blurb about it. The information they
supplied enabled me to get the tape drive to work on an old PC/XT! The
critical factor was that one set of jumpers was the COMPLEMENT of what
you would normally expect.
Larry can probably get the same source to help him out, because his card
is undoubtedly in the same series (SC4xx), but wasn't detailed in the
info I got.
I guess the moral is, don't give up. Ask around, and try all the old
phone numbers. Something might pay off.
I would still like to find any updated software for the board/drive I
have, especially a library (C or Pascal) that I can use to do raw
reads/writes of the tape. I'll keep trying the phone numbers, right!
Lawrence Walker wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 10:41:47 -0700
> > Reply-to: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu
> > From: "David C. Jenner" <djenner_at_halcyon.com>
> > To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers" <classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu>
> > Subject: Archive Corp FT60 Adapter Board Jumper Settings
> > I have an Archive FT60 tape drive (uses DC600A cartridges) that I am
> > trying to install. I don't have complete information on the jumper
> > settings of the adapter card (8-bit ISA).
> >
> > The card has several markings on it:
> > Archive Corporation, FCC ID: EAX6GPSC499-R
> > ?(unintelligible) A-200, 88 16, Rev B
> > DET. 50594-01
> > e023391
> >
> > Is there any chance that someone has specifications or an installation
> > manual around for this adapter? Also, last version of the MS-DOS
> > software (especially MS-DOS libraries to allow reading/writing, etc.)
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave Jenner
> > djenner_at_halcyon.com
> I have what would seem to be a somewhat similiar , up untill now
> unidentified card. It looked too interesting to toss (packrat
> syndrome :^) ) . It's an Archive FCC ID: EAX6GP-SC400S with a 50 pin
> internal connector and a 25 pin external ( SCCI ? ). It has several
> jumpered pins but some could have come loose. For what it's worth the
> jumpers are:
> pins a9- a3 ...... pins a9 and a8 jumpered
> pins kk,hh,ff,nn ..... pin kk jumpered
> pins dd,y,cc..........center pins jumpered ( y ? )
> IRQ pins2-7 .......... 5 jumpered
> drq123 and dack 123 .... drq 1 and dack 1 jumpered
> Don't know if this is any help, but if yours is similarly
> jumpered it would confirm default jumpering.
> At least I now know what this board likely is. Thanks
> I'll be following this thread. Good luck.
> ciao Larry
> lwalkerN0spaM_at_interlog.com
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