On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Paul E Coad wrote:
> I attended the Vintage Computer Festival this weekend. I had one hell
> of a good time. I enjoyed talking with just about everyone. I didn't
> get the chance to talk to most as much as I would have liked. I heard
> some really good stories, and met in person several people from this
> list. There were a bunch of really neat machines which I got too see
> up close for the first time. I even got to see (and touch!) the
> prototype of the Sol-20.
> I want to thank Sam and everyone who helped out for making the VCF a
> reality. I will attend and participate (hopefully more) next year
> without hesitation. It was Nerdvana.
I'll second everything Paul said! (my being one of the speakers not
withstanding) This event deserves the support of everyone who considers
themselves a collector or a person with an interest in the history of
How often these days do you get a chance to see an Osborne 3? (*not* a
typo!) Or a functional Cromemco System 1 running Unix? And ther there
were the speakers! And the Swap Meet/Flea Market. Stuff was seen there
that people have been seeking around here for some time! Its all gone
now!! (I *need* a bigger suitcase!)
If you were not there, you missed out on quite the party!
I took quite a few pictures around the exhibits that I will be adding to
my web pages over the next few days. (hopefully I'll be able to start
tonight) Check it out and start thinking toward next year!
The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Mon Oct 27 1997 - 10:22:17 GMT