Disk TPI's

From: Marvin <marvin_at_rain.org>
Date: Mon Sep 1 11:03:47 1997

Roger Merchberger wrote:

> At 05:02 PM 8/31/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >> Don,
> >> A small nit to pick, but _all_ 3.5" floppies are 135 tracks/inch. This
> is
> >> true from my SSSD 200K Tandy Portable Disk Drive 2 for my Tandy 200,
> all
> >> the way up to 2.88Meg 3.5" floppy drives.
> >
> >No, I meant exactly what I said - and for the record, 1.44mb 3.5" and 1.2
> >5.25" floppy drives are 96 tracks/inch (tpi), not 135.

With this discussion of TPI, I am aware of the 5 1/4" 48 and 96 TPI, the 3
1/2" 135 TPI, and the Micropolis 100 TPI drives, but what other formats are
out there? Anyone know of any online resources for this info? I checked
the Accurite home page and they only mention (at least as far as I could
find) 48, 96, and 135 TPI for the 3 1/2" and 5 1/4" drives. What about the
8" drives as well as "oddball drives" such as the 2" floppy disk (I think
that is the size)?
Received on Mon Sep 01 1997 - 11:03:47 BST

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