Laser 50 kids computer?

From: Cord Coslor <>
Date: Thu Sep 4 10:01:26 1997

I am wondering if anyone else might have one of these Laser 50 computers

Some more information on this computer. It was manufactured by V-Tech
(Video technology Ltd.) in the mid 1980s. It was a small, white, lap-top
size computer. It had a single line LCD display and was marketed as a
childrens education or beginner's computer, and contained BASIC only. You
could expand this 1.5k
system by buying cassette recorder, two different printers, and a memory
expansion cartridge.

OH, yes... you could save up to 9 different programs internally on the
computer. Now I also remember it ran on batteries though you could hook up
a DC converter to plug into the wall.

Had a full-feature BASIC programming language built in, including sound
commands... although it didn't have any graphics capabilities (that I know
of) it was a fun little computer.

Anyway, what I am asking is if anyone out there has one of these or knows
where I might be able to find one.... PLEASE let me know. I used to have
one (lost it YEARS ago) and I would like my children to be able to use it
a bit... plus it's kind of a piece of my computing history that I would
like to bring back to my collection!

Thanks a lot, and I hope someone has an inkling obout this machine. P.S.
This isn't an Apple or IBM close.

Best Wishes,


P.S. I would be willing to pay virtually whatever you want for it
(reasonable), and may consider trading my V-Tech Pre Computer 1000 for it.
This pre 1000 computer contains BASIC, and many games and trivia sections
as well.

|| Cord G. Coslor P.O. Box 308 - 1300 3rd St. Apt "M1" -- Peru, NE ||
|| (402) 872- 3272 68421-0308 ||
|| Classic computer software and hardware collector ||
|| Autograph collector ||
Received on Thu Sep 04 1997 - 10:01:26 BST

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