At 11:26 PM 9/4/97 -0400, Roger Merchberger wrote:
>Barring that, does anyone out there in ClassicLand have that issue of Byte?
>At the very least, you could educate us on just what it had, and maybe scan
>in a picture if you have access to a scanner... (or even, if someone has an
>extra issue of that one, I'd be willing to trade something for it).
I'll admit to having it at home. I assume you're talking about the January
1981 issue? I'll write a note to myself and bring it in tomorrow (yes,
Saturday) and scan it in...
Huw Davies | e-mail:
Information Technology Services | Phone: +61 3 9479 1550 Fax: +61 3 9479
La Trobe University | "My Alfas keep me poor in a monetary
Melbourne Australia 3083 | sense, but rich in so many other ways"
Received on Fri Sep 05 1997 - 02:42:18 BST
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