Vintage Computer Festival

From: John R. Keys Jr. <>
Date: Mon Sep 15 17:58:41 1997

I would love to attend the festival but I have used up all my vacation for
the year. If can borrow from the next I will travel from MN to CA for it.
At 02:21 AM 9/15/97 -0700, you wrote:
>This request goes out to anyone who maintains a classic/antique/vintage
>computer web page.
>Could I get you to add a link from your page to the Vintage Computer
>Festival web page (URL below)? In return, I will list your page in the
>links section of the VCF web page.
>Please reply directly to me if you are interested in helping me out.
>Also, could I get a rough show of hands of those who are interested in
>attending the Vintage Computer Festival? I'm trying to get an idea of
>what the interest level is among fellow collectors for this type of
>show. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also, your comments
>and suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
>Sam Alternate e-mail:
>Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer, Jackass
> Attend the First Annual Vintage Computer Festival
> See for details!
Received on Mon Sep 15 1997 - 17:58:41 BST

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