Time to part with part of the collection

From: J. Maynard Gelinas <maynard_at_jmg.com>
Date: Mon Sep 15 22:41:49 1997

        My friend from work has expressed a strong desire for the 3B2,
but I don't know if you both got in contact with each other. His name
is Jack Twilley (jmt_at_nda.com). However, it's a little unclear to me
if you have found another taker.... did you and Jack arrange the

        J. Maynard Gelinas

> >Gang,
> >
> >Our bid on a new house has been accepted and my wife and I have started the
> >task of packing. In reviewing my own computer collection, it looks like it's
> >time to part with a few pieces which are redundant or for which I really
> >don't have the time anymore.
> Well, thanks to you all, everything is spoken for.
> <<<John>>>
Received on Mon Sep 15 1997 - 22:41:49 BST

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