Burroughs streaming tape drive
I was at a local computer 'junk' store today. Didn't find anything of
interest except
A Burroughs streaming tape drive that looks ALOT like one I remember
using with a MicroVAX about 9 years ago. It's black, about 12" tall,
24" deep, is a 9 track streaming tape drive.
It has two connectors on the back that look for all the world like
Centronics style SCSI connectors.
I could probably pick it up for $10 or less. Should I? I'd just grab it
but I don't have UNLIMITED funding for such things and if it's not
interfacable or usable in ANY WAY then I'll probably leave it.
Is it interfacable to 'normal' machines? Should I grab it?
Anthony Clifton - WireHead Prime
PS: I did get an Apple wide carriage printer that looks like the 132
column version of the ImageWriter I...at Goodwill for $10. That should
be fun. =-)
Received on Sat Sep 20 1997 - 18:45:45 BST
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