Due to massive amounts of caffeine & sleep deprivation, Kip Crosby said:
>I'm thoroughly enjoying being here and I just wanted to remind everybody
>that our history page, http://www.chac.org/chhistpg.html , is perennially
>in need of new links. As an example, we haven't found a single site yet
>that's devoted to classic laptops.
Glad you enjoy! Altho my page is not dedicated to laptops, it is a geezer
machine page, with laptop links on it... you can find it here:
I don't get the time to update it often, as I do web page design for a
living, and rarely feel like mucking around with HTML with my sparse free
I do have 2 classic laptops, a Tandy 200 and a Tandy 600, and love 'em both!
I also run 2 mailing lists for Tandy laptops, the Model 100 list and the
Model 600 list. To subscribe via the web to the M100 list, go here:
to sign up for the Model 600 mailing list, go here:
Questions about these lists can be posed to me, Roger Merchberger, at
For other Tandy 100/102/200 pages, try here:
The site owner here is Rick Hanson (read: good guy), and he _still_ makes a
living by supporting the "Model 'T'" machines! Very nice site. Or try here:
Mike Nugent runs this site... also a neat guy. He makes a living supporting
corporate accounts with Model 'T's (read: big, big quantities) but still
helps out the "little guy" a lot.
>I'd also appreciate any suggestion of a good win32 link-checking bot
>because this page has gotten far, far too voluminous to check by hand.
Give me a few months, and I _might_ be able to write one... Give me some
money, and I could guarantee speedier turnaround! ;-) One caveat: it would
work from Unix. It _might_ work from NT if you have NT's version of Perl. I
don't know if Perl runs under '95 or not...
Anyway, enjoy the links!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger Merchberger | Why does Hershey's put nutritional
Programmer, NorthernWay | information on their candy bar wrappers
zmerch_at_northernway.net | when there's no nutritional value within?
Received on Tue Sep 23 1997 - 13:45:11 BST