War Games

From: Anthony Clifton <wirehead_at_retrocomputing.com>
Date: Tue Sep 23 18:49:58 1997

> My friend Norm here in the next office swears it was CompuPro boxes.
> Since he owned a CompuPro at the time the movie was released, I'm
> inclined to believe him -- apparently it was common knowledge in the
> CompuPro community. He's very specific about the MicroAngelo S-100
> graphics boards that were used.

I have NO question that CompuPro boxes were used to drive CRT displays
and such. In fact, I know that's true. But the overhead displays in the
War Room were NOT generated with a raster technology. They were HP, or
some other brand, vector graphic generators with an overhead display unit
of some sort of EXTREMELY high quality. If I recall...they only had one
or two so the screens were shot at different times and composited
together but were real. Color was added later as it was in the Digistar
display systems used in the Kobiyashi Maru simulator in Star Trek II.

Anthony Clifton - WireHead Prime
Received on Tue Sep 23 1997 - 18:49:58 BST

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