LEading Edge

From: Russ Blakeman <rhblake_at_bbtel.com>
Date: Wed Apr 1 01:08:59 1998

If anyone has need for Leading Edge parts, software, etc you can obtain
what you need at http://www.primenet.com/~fwagner/le/leading_edge.html
since Leading Edge is out of business and no longer supporting anything.
Throw this in your bookmarks for later reference.

 Russ Blakeman
     RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
        Phone: (502) 756-1749 Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
         Email: rhblake_at_bbtel.com or rhblake_at_bigfoot.com
           Website: http://members.tripod.com/~RHBLAKE/
                           ICQ # 1714857
       * Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
Received on Wed Apr 01 1998 - 01:08:59 BST

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