At 06:04 4/3/98 -0800, you wrote:
>> I had a chance to take a look on the backside of the giant box hoping to
>> find a model number type thing -- nothing there at all...
>> Looks like I will have to open it up and take a peek to really determine
>> its true identity...
>Did you ever get around to doing this?
>I just unloaded two 11/70 systems after a 3000-mile move. They
>weigh just a little under one ton each, and boy am I sore!
>Tim. (
Hello Tim...
I will try to do that over the weekend.
A ton -- now that's a Computer.
Jack Harper Bank Systems 2000, Inc.
303-277-1892 Golden, Colorado USA
"21st Century Financial Applications"
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Received on Fri Apr 03 1998 - 12:57:29 BST