I remember back in '98 when Bill/Carolyn Pechter wrote:
> > Max Eskin wrote:
> > >
> > > In IBM's description of the PS/2 Model 70, the said that it ran
> > > DOS 3.3 and higher, OS/2 1.0x and higher, and AIX PS/2. Does anyone
> > > have possession/experience with the last item? I guess it's a form
> > > of UNIX.
> >
> > The product was stillborn, to the best of my knowledge. If it ever
> > actually shipped as far as beta test I'd be greatly surprised. And
> > I'd be looking for a copy. It's about the only excuse I'd ever have
> > to get a branded IBM Microchannel system. (And I know a company
> > with a _bunch_ of retired PS/2s of various models that they have no
> > idea what to do with).
> > --
> > Ward Griffiths
> Actually, I've been told up to Rev 1.3 of AIX shipped for PS/2s.
> It was based off of Interactive's Unix port and was pretty lousy
> compared with stuff that's out from the FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux and OpenBSD
> crowd. I've actually run Linux on a mod 80 and mod 95 PS/2.
I actually used an aix ps/2 machine for several years.. Just checked and
it seems that someone finally pulled the plug on the machine (used to
be tcet.unt.edu). It was a pretty lousy *nix, as far as compatability
went, though it seemed reasonably fast running on a (??) 386 ps/2 of
some type. I managed to learn quite a bit about C and unix by trying
to get various programs to compile under it. I think after about 2 years
I was able to compile lynx, tin, elm, nethack . . It makes me really
appreciate the FSFs autoconf stuff.
/* Matt Sayler -- mpsayler_at_zen.as.utexas.edu -- atwork?astronomy:cs
http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mpsayler -- (512)471-7450
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? */
Received on Tue Apr 07 1998 - 07:54:40 BST