In message "CLASSICCMP digest 375", John Rollins <>
>Third card is another one from Intel, labeled "iSBC 576", with another
>8086, two connectors on the top, and an SBC576 daughtercard.
I checked my Intel "OEM Boards and Systems Handbook (1988)" but cannot
identify this card, although the book lists many other Multibus boards.
Intel sold their Multibus interests to Radisys some time back; they're
on the web and maybe they can help. Both National Semiconductor and
NEC made Multibus board clones, often with similar part numbers, so you
might get lucky finding info if you're persistent.
>Fourth card is a PROSE 2000, with a 26-pin edge connector and another
>connector, and a bunch of EPROMs marked "Speech Plus (c)1983", and yet
>another 8086 chip. Looks like the company name is Speech Plus Inc. I guess
>this is a speech synth.
Strange coincidence! I recently rescued one of these from a scrapyard
(it was literally waiting to be ground up into metallic dust). Yes, it's
a text-to-speech board, but I haven't had any success finding
application data. The company that made it, Telesensory Systems, does
still exist and I did call them looking for information. They were
cordial, but could not help because the board was just too ancient for
their support staff to have any useful knowledge about it. Too bad; I
thought it might be welcomed by one of my local charities. I don't have
Telesensory's phone number here but try a web search. If you can't find
them let me know and I'll see if I can retrieve the number. Please keep
me in mind if you do manage to track down some information on it.
Arlen Michaels
Ottawa, Canada (613) 763-2568
Received on Tue Apr 07 1998 - 16:44:00 BST